Panel discussion: “The Operational Image Before the Law,” with Katja Müller-Helle and Noam Elcott, Oct. 31, 2.30 pm, University of Zurich

As part of the conference “As We May See: Tracking and Tracing the Image after Farocki” (30.10. – 1.11.2024).

October 22nd, 2024 — Projects / Event
Terms and Conditions. A students’ exhibition at the gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (HGB), May 21-22, 2024

The three thematic areas—code of conduct, ownership, crimes and ecology—productively resonate with each other, generating key concepts. By CLIO NICASTRO

October 14th, 2024 — Rosa Mercedes / 08
Festival: “Kin City,” from Berliner Gazette, Oct.17–19, ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics in Berlin

A cooperation with HaFI.

October 11th, 2024 — Projects / Event
Film Program: Terms and Conditions #02: Oct. 15 & 16, 2024, 8 pm, Arsenal Cinema, Berlin

A two-part film program as part of our research project “Terms and Conditions: The Legal Form of Images”. The second part is dedicated to the continuity of coloniality and (neo)colonial legal processes.

October 11th, 2024 — Projects / Event
Film Program: Terms and Conditions #01, September 23 & 24, 2024, 8 pm, Arsenal Cinema, Berlin

A two-part program as part of our research project “Terms and Conditions: The Legal Form of Images”. The first part is dedicated to feminist film practices and the legal framework of moving images.

September 17th, 2024 — Projects / Event
[Eleventh] HaFI residency guest: Anna Marziano

The filmmaker Anna Marziano is a guest of the Harun Farocki Residency, realized in the framework of the research project "Terms and Conditions". A continuation of the collaboration with the Kultur Ensemble Palermo.

September 17th, 2024 — 2024
Terms and Conditions: Bernard Edelman, “The Law Seized by Photography” (edited by Harun Farocki und Hanns Zischler, for Filmkritik, no. 218, February 1975)

"A theory of juridical practice is to be developed; and even more fundamentally: the entire philosophy contained in law, which law cannot think, but by which it is dominated, is to be grasped juridically." (Farocki and Zischler on BERNARD EDELMAN)

August 30th, 2024 — Rosa Mercedes / 08
Terms and Conditions (Glossary): Juridification

Beyond the polarization between readings that equate it with depoliticization and those that identify it as a new form of political struggle, the fundamental characteristic of juridification remains its nature as a political phenomenon. By NATASCIA TOSEL

August 27th, 2024 — Rosa Mercedes / 08
Terms and Conditions: Reconstructing the House of Law

In what ways can we perform a critique of law during the “new twenties” of the twenty-first century? Can we escape reproducing the critique of the form of law in the same form that the law? By DARIA BAYER

August 20th, 2024 — Rosa Mercedes / 08
An Image Lexicon, or Towards a Media Archeology

"Whatever his media, he rigorously and unrelentingly interrogated the translation of thought into language, never losing sight of the fact that media function according to the repetition of specific codes in the form of words, phrases, gestures, body techniques, pictures, images, and shot sequences." An excerpt from "Harun Farocki: Forms of Intelligence" by NORA M. ALTER

August 20th, 2024 — Rosa Mercedes / 06
Terms and Conditions: Talk: Listening to Ice, The Future of Survival@Locarno Film Festival, August 15, 2024

How can cinematic practices allow us to see and hear wounds of environmental and social injustice in spaces around us? With Susan Schuppli, Nora M. Alter, and Doreen Mende.

August 13th, 2024 — Projects / Event
Call for Donations: HaFI-Publication: “Ingo Kratisch: A Logic Of Images; A Logic Of Things”

The booklet, edited by Giulia Bruno, Daniel Eisenberg, Clio Nicastro, and Ellen Rothenberg, will be dedicated to the work of the filmmaker and artist Ingo Kratisch, ...

August 13th, 2024 — About us / Support
Workshop “Bildlosigkeit II: Operationale Bilder”, Berlin, July 12, 2024

How devoid of imagery are "operational images"? With Tom Holert, Ute Holl, Katja Müller-Helle, Simon Rothöhler and Florian Sprenger - See post in German

June 28th, 2024 — Projects / Research
HaFI Presents #07: Franz Wanner. Mind the Memory Gap, July 5, 2024, Arsenal Cinema, Berlin

See post in German.

June 7th, 2024 — Projects / Event
Panel Discussion: Terms and Conditions: Colonial legacies, artistic futures, June 25, 2024, Berlin Artistic Research Programme

An event realized in the framework of the artistic research project “Terms and Conditions.”

June 7th, 2024 — Projects / Event
Presentation and Discussion: Terms and Conditions: with Susan Schuppli, June 19, HGB Leipzig

Susan Schuppli’s work examines material evidence from war and conflict to environmental disasters and climate change, currently focusing on learning from ice and the politics of cold. [...]

June 6th, 2024 — Projects / Event
Panel Discussion: “Sulla frontiera serba” with Filippo Foscarini, June 12, 2024, intercultural film festival “Altre Rive 2024”, Palermo

Filippo Foscarini's project, which is still in the making, was partly researched and realized within the Harun Farocki Residency 2023.

June 6th, 2024 — 2023
HaFI 021: Laura Mulvey/Peter Wollen: Kahlo/Modotti – Forty Years Later

A booklet on Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen's work as curators and filmmakers.

April 29th, 2024 — Projects / Publication
Editorial Statement: Terms and Conditions. The Legal Form of Images

Who decides which images become visible or remain invisible on social media, when and why? Why can the police take a picture of me, while I can't necessarily take a picture of the police? [...]

April 10th, 2024 — Rosa Mercedes / 08
Start event: Terms and Conditions: April 10 & 11, 2024, Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (HGB)

HaFI's new artistic research project "Terms and Conditions. The Legal Form of Images" will inquire into the largely overlooked (or willfully ignored) legal and paralegal frameworks which increasingly inform the contemporary art and visual culture.

April 4th, 2024 — Projects / Event
Maayan Amir & Ruti Sela, “Therms and Conditions,” 2022

"[...] loitering through the streets of Tel Aviv on a winter night, when we asked strangers to help us keep warm."

March 30th, 2024 — Rosa Mercedes / 06
Exhibition: “Mind the Memory Gap” by Franz Wanner, Kindl – Zentrum für Zeitgenössische Kunst, March 24 – July 14, 2024

In his first solo exhibition in Berlin, Franz Wanner investigates present-day repercussions of the widespread exploitation through forced labor under National Socialism [...]. Franz Wanner is a residency fellow of the Harun Farocki Residency 2023/24.

March 20th, 2024 — 2024
“Kharkiv Calling” by Costa Compagnie, with contributions by Marichka Lukianchuk

"Exactly two years after the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine, KHARKIV CALLING takes a look at the different lives of strong, emancipated women and their convictions against the Russian autocratic system that recently had the LGBTQIA+ movement categorized as extremist in December 2023. What values and systems are being defended in Ukraine beyond one's own life and country?" Upcoming performances: 23, 24, 25 February

February 11th, 2024 — Residency / 2022
Frau Kutzer and Other Residents of Naunyn Street

The exchanges between African American, German, and Turkish perspectives on the set of Frau Kutzer would have been exciting to eavesdrop on.

February 2024 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Docs
Open Call: Harun Farocki Residency 2024 with Kultur Ensemble Palermo

Application deadline: January 31.

January 9th, 2024 — 2024
HaFI 020: Erika Runge: Reflections Upon Saying Farewell to Documentary Literature

With the volume "Bottroper Protokolle" (Suhrkamp 1968) [...] the television director and doctor of literature, committed feminist and communist Erika Runge (1939–2023) coined the term and practice of "Dokumentarliteratur" (documentary literature). [...]

December 20th, 2023 — Projects / Publication
Launch: HaFI 019: “What I Do Not Recognize Yet, Now at This Very Moment” by Natascha Sadr Haghighian, December 16, 2023, Hopscotch Events (Gerichtstrasse), Berlin

In her text, Natascha Sadr Haghighian grapples with the dialectics of looking in German structural racism by returning to the how’s and why’s of “not seeing” the NSU [...].

December 12th, 2023 — Projects / Event
Digital Warfare. The Russian Full Scale Invasion against Ukraine as Enacted on Telegram

Mobile technology and digital connectivity are essential components of the soldier’s experience on the front line. Armed forces operating in the field always project themselves into a virtual script and go into battle driven by imaginary spectacles. By RAMÓN REICHERT

December 10th, 2023 — Rosa Mercedes / 05
HaFI 019: Natascha Sadr Haghighian: What I Do Not Recognize Yet, Now at This Very Moment

“We tried to get over this disturbance by learning to suppress the perception of racist structures. This in turn made it difficult to develop a commonality, a conversation about the experience of racism. [...] ”

December 10th, 2023 — Projects / Publication
Book Launch: “Operational Images. From the Visual to the Invisual” by Jussi Parikka, December 6, 2023, transmediale Studio

Serving as an extensive guide to a key concept in contemporary art, design, and media theory, "Operational Images" explores the implications of machine vision and the limits of human agency. [...]

December 1st, 2023 — Projects / Event
HaFI Presents #06:
 TARDO AGOSTO, Filippo Foscarini & Federico Cammarata, December 4, 2023, Arsenal Cinema

Sicily, 2020. In a godforsaken landscape, a sudden change in weather finally marks the end of a suffocating summer. [...]

November 28th, 2023 — Projects / Event
Harun Farocki Residency with Filippo Foscarini: Multimedia Presentation & Discussion with Jošt Franko, November 26, 2023, silent green, Berlin

Foscarini's research focuses on migration in the border areas between Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia [...]

November 21st, 2023 — Projects / Event
Reading: Harun Farocki: Writings, Duisburger Filmwoche, November 10, 2023,

  Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an   Ein Beitrag geteilt von Duisburger Filmwoche (@duisburgerfilmwoche)

November 6th, 2023 — Projects / Event
Stephen Cornford, Harun Farocki and “The Extended Mind”, Sydney, November 6, 2023

For those happening to be in Sydney in the first week of November, this might be an interesting event to attend: "Exo-Mnemonics: Memory, Media Machines. A Symposium"

October 24th, 2023 — Rosa Mercedes
HaFI Presents #05:  Domietta Torlasco: Overseen and Overlooked, October 17, 2023, Arsenal Cinema

A film evening together with the theorist and filmmaker Domietta Torlasco.

October 12th, 2023 — Projects / Event
[Thenth] HaFI residency guest: Valentina Zalevksa

A residency in collaboration with Artists at Risk and Goethe-Institut

October 12th, 2023 — 2023
HaFI 018: Skip Norman: On Africa

“The starting point is the relationship between Europe’s prosperity and Africa’s poverty; Europe’s destruction of societies and cultures, and the simultaneous use of Christianity and racial theories as justification for a massive exploitation of the colonized.” (SN)

October 10th, 2023 — Projects / Publication
Research Stay: Domietta Torlasco

From the middle of September, critical theorist and filmmaker Domietta Torlasco is in Berlin for a month research stay at the Harun Farocki Institut.

September 21st, 2023 — Projects / Research
[Ninth] HaFI Resident: Filippo Foscarini

An initiative of Kultur Ensemble Palermo, the Goethe-Institut, the Institut Français, both Palermo, and the Harun Farocki Institut, Berlin.

September 19th, 2023 — 2023
Against the Double Negative

How to transform a bloody war into something that exists in the negative: not war? By VANESSA GRAVENOR

August 10th, 2023 — Rosa Mercedes / 05
Images from Ukraine: Who Really Wants the War to End?

The problem boils down to knowing how to inscribe oneself into a critical position that is likely to help one maintain a distanced relationship with these images. By DORK ZABUNYAN

May 26th, 2023 — Rosa Mercedes / 05
Which Operativity? On Political Aspects of Operational Images and Sounds

“Operational” turns out to be characterized by mutual connections and interdependencies, which is why this politically motivated and complicating concept is so useful for opening up the diverse interface processes that are in use today on a planetary scale. By JAN DISTELMEYER

May 25th, 2023 — Rosa Mercedes / 06
[Conference and Text Series]: ALLIED GROUNDS by Berliner Gazette, October 5–7, 2023, House of Democracy and Human Rights, Berlin

A cooperation with the Berliner Gazette.

May 24th, 2023 — Projects / Event
[Event]: Film Undone. Elements of a Latent Cinema, July 20-23, 2023, silent green & Arsenal Cinema, Berlin

A cooperation with HaFI.

May 24th, 2023 — Projects / Event
[Screening and discussion]: Übertragung #03: DUAL USE + MIND THE MEMORY GAP by Franz Wanner, May 25, 2023, 6.30 pm, Filmpodium, Zürich

An event organized by the Farocki Forum in Zurich.

May 24th, 2023 — 2023
Nothing New?

Today, the “operational image” of the smart bomb and the drone robot has been joined and partly replaced by a wide array of image and text operations, which are constantly blurring the lines between old school propaganda, visual war reporting, citizen online journalism, open source image forensics and investigative aesthetics. By TOM HOLERT

May 21st, 2023 — Rosa Mercedes / 05
Abendschau, 28 October 1969

"The curriculum has been condensed, there’s more emphasis than before on learning the crafts, collaboration in groups is intensified, and there’s a stronger coordination between theory and practice-based courses." (Rathsack)

April 2023 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Docs
Typographie hat Harun auch sehr fasziniert. VOLKER PANTENBURG in conversation with HAUKE STURM

See German post.

April 3rd, 2023 — Rosa Mercedes / 06
März 2023: Ein Gespräch über Bäume (#069)

See German post.

March 18th, 2023 — Archive / Showcase
Februar 2023: Faroghi, Kunstmakler (#068)

See German post.

February 28th, 2023 — Archive / Showcase
HaFI 017: Karolin Meunier: Aller-retour et aller. On “Wanda” and “Supplément à la vie de Barbara Loden”

"This is about at least four women. One of them fictional; all the others, infected by this fiction."

February 20th, 2023 — Projects / Publication
[Eigth] HaFI Residency Guest: Franz Wanner

In collaboration with the Farocki Forum in Zurich and KINDL in Berlin.

February 20th, 2023 — 2023
„Eine wunderbare Aufstandsgeste“: Zur Ästhetik der Zwischentitel in Harun Farockis „Über ‚Song of Ceylon‘ von Basil Wright“ by LAURIN HUBER

See German post.

January 30th, 2023 — Rosa Mercedes / 06
The Image as Verb

A conversation on INTRODUCTION TO THE END OF AN ARGUMENT: (INTIFADA) SPEAKING FOR ONESELF…SPEAKING FOR OTHERS… by Jayce Salloum and Elia Suleiman in 1990 that took place two months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. There, similar essentializations, demonizing or belittling Ukrainians and denying the historical legitimacy of the Ukrainian state, justify the “special operation” that this outright imperialist war has been cloaked as. By ALAA MANSOUR and PHILIP WIDMANN

January 17th, 2023 — Rosa Mercedes / 05
Continuation of the Farocki Residency with Alina Matochkina

Thanks to a private donation, we can continue the Harun Farocki Residency with Ukrainian filmmaker Alina Matochkina in 2023.

January 15th, 2023 — 2023
January 2023: Sesamstraße, HÄUSER (#067)

See German post.

January 8th, 2023 — Archive / Showcase
December 2022: Papa Giovanni Paolo II (#066)

See German post.

December 31st, 2022 — Archive / Showcase
Schriften, Bd. 6: Lerne das Einfachste!

See German post.

December 3rd, 2022 — Projects / Publication
Unite behind the signs. Ökologie, Ökonomie und Guattari im Licht kritischer Semiotik

See German post.

November 16th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 07
November 2022: Mehr als überbewertet (für JMS) (#065)

See German post.

November 15th, 2022 — Archive / Showcase
Retrospective: The Films of Mantas Kvedaravičius, Nov 18/19 and Dec. 2/3, 2022, Arsenal Cinema, Berlin

The retrospective explores the work of the Lithuanian filmmaker, anthropologist and archaeologist, whose focus was everyday life lived in the midst of war and in spite of it.

November 14th, 2022 — Projects / Event
October 2022: … auch wo es unser Vorstellungsvermögen überfordert (#64)

See German post.

October 30th, 2022 — Archive / Showcase
[Conference]: AFTER EXTRACTIVISM, Oct. 13-15,2022, House of Democracy and Human Rights, Berlin

A cooperation with the Berliner Gazette.

October 11th, 2022 — Projects / Event
[Seventh] HaFI Residency guest: Alina Matochkina

A residency in collaboration with Artists at Risk and the Goethe-Institut.

October 10th, 2022 — Residency / 2022
Von Dingen und Bildern: Harun Farockis “Stilleben” by FRIEDERIKE SIGLER

See German post.

September 30th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 06
September 2022: Ein Film für Kurzhaarige! (#63)

See German post.

September 30th, 2022 — Archive / Showcase
Critical Spectatorship, Violent Care

And now, is there a way for me to see you beyond my own reflections upon you, in order to behold your power? An essay by KEVIN B. LEE

September 21st, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 06
HaFI participation to the Steirischen Herbst, Sep 22 – Oct. 16, 2022, Graz, Austria

With an exhibition and a panel discussion.

September 16th, 2022 — Projects / Event
Continuation of the ad-hoc Residency: Marichka Lukianchuk

From September 2022 to August 2023 as part of the Berlin Senate's "Ad Hoc Fellowship Program."

September 16th, 2022 — Residency / 2022

Narrative interweaving conceived by Haytham el-Wardany walking along a thread of various historical and fictional events and alphabetical and social system from the Paris Commune to a hidden spell.

September 15th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
Wuhan Diaries

The documentary yield of humor and satire in Wuhan Diaries by the anonymous z and his friends narrates how daily life thrives in the thicket of pandemic priorities.

September 15th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
Which Lord’s Favor Would Be Denied

Otty Widasari’s moving-image documents locate people, histories, and development in a complex journey of political and cultural transformation through what she calls “poetic science.”

September 15th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
Channeling Disjunctions: Reflections on Inauthentic Empathy

Clio Nicastro analyzes the different notions and involvements of empathy, both in relation to films, performative works and texts by different authors and as well within Rosa Mercedes Issue 04.

September 15th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
August 2022: Bessere Einsicht, angenehmere Arbeitsbedingungen (#62)

See German post.

August 31st, 2022 — Archive / Showcase
[talk and screening] Marichka Lukianchuk at Artists at Risk Talks, Floating University, Berlin, August 18, 2022

A talk about her artistic practice during the war and about the dreams of Ukrainians that she collected.

August 16th, 2022 — Residency / 2022
[video repository and discursive program]: Taught to Travel (T2T) by Moad Musbahi and partners in Dakar, Alexandria (on-site) and Beirut, Berlin (online), ongoing

T2T is a project initiated by Moad Musbahi with Tom Holert/Harun Farocki Institut.

August 10th, 2022 — Projects / Event
[Film Screening and Discussion]: UNREADABLE FUTURE by Hans Carlsson, August 20, 2022, silent green, Berlin-Wedding

Presentation of the essay film by Hans Carlsson, realized as part of his Harun Farocki Residency in Berlin in winter of 2021/22 and a talk including Sarat Maharaj and Doreen Mende.

August 3rd, 2022 — Projects / Event
July 2022: Blickschule: Pasolini vor Augen (#61)

See German post.

July 31st, 2022 — Archive / Showcase
A Visual Sceptic: Thoughts on Harun Farocki’s Descriptive Criticism

Why is it that the visible is constantly privileged as something truth-bearing in modernity when, in many cases, it provides very little, or in some cases virtually no information at all? An essay by HANS CARLSSON.

July 19th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 06
[Interview]: Online magazine “Filmmaker” about the exhibition “Drawing the Line” by Cathy Lee Crane

An interview with Cathy Lee Crane by Lauren Wissot.

July 19th, 2022 — Residency / 2020/22
“Professional vision” bei Harun Farocki und Charles Goodwin, oder: Wie man anderen zeigt, dass sie nicht sehen, was Profis sehen

A text by ERHARD SCHÜTTPELZ. See German post.

July 11th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 06
Harun Farocki: Dialectics of images

Excerpts from an introduction to Harun Farocki’s oeuvre in relation to Egypt and the Arab region by ALI HUSSEIN AL-ADAWY.

July 6th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 06
[Exhibition]: Drawing the Line by Cathy Lee Crane, July 15-24, 2022, Gerichtstr. 45, Berlin-Wedding

A 14-channel installation by our 4th HaFI residency guest Cathy Lee Crane exploring the history of the western border between the United States of Mexico and the United States of America. EXTENDED OPENING HOURS: Thu. July 28 from 4-7 p.m.; Tue. Aug. 2 from 1-5 p.m.

July 4th, 2022 — Projects / Event
[Film program]: (X)-trACTION with Cathy Lee Crane, July 29, 2022, Arsenal Cinema

In (X)-trACTION a collaborative of five media artists, including Cathy Lee Crane, share their latest works to reflect on and maybe even destroy the term “extraction.”

July 1st, 2022 — Projects / Event
[Screening]: Films by Cathy Lee Crane, July 27, 2022, Arsenal Cinema

CROSSING COLUMBUS  and the short film ON THE LINE (2010) are distant companion pieces exploring the crossing of lines that mark Mexican territory.

July 1st, 2022 — Projects / Event
[OPEN CALL]: HaFI-Screening Program (X)-trACTION with Cathy Lee Crane, July 29, 2022, Arsenal

Presented by HaFI on the occasion of Cathy Lee Crane's Harun Farocki Residency in Berlin. Open Call deadline: July 15, 2022

June 27th, 2022 — Projects / Event
June 2022: Neuer Sachverstand (#060)

See German post.

June 27th, 2022 — Archive / Showcase
Retraditionalization in Decolonization: The Indigenous Indonesian Manager

The historian Farabi Fakih discusses the formation of managerialism in decolonizing Indonesia. Based on his recent book "Authoritarian Modernization in Indonesia’s Early Independence Period," Fakih introduces the making of the indigenous Indonesian manager.

June 20th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
May 2022: Venture Capital (#059)

May 31st, 2022 — Archive / Showcase
Retrospective Ingemo Engström, June 2 – 19, 2022, Cinema Arsenal, Berlin

“The first year group at the Filmhochschule München. Tabula rasa. Any long-held sentimentality about watching films was supposed to disappear, university knowledge shredded, scattered. All that remained was our own work and watching, watching, watching.” (Ingemo Engström)

May 24th, 2022 — Projects / Event
[Sixth] HaFI Residency guest: Marichka Lukianchuk

Together with Artists at Risk.

May 17th, 2022 — Residency / 2022
HaFI Residency: Cathy Lee Crane in Berlin, June – August 2022

Start of the residency: June 8.

May 16th, 2022 — Residency / 2020/22
Shift the Discourse: On German Museums’ Strategies Against Decolonization

An article by Christoph Balzar on how German museums with their so-called ethnographic collections have successfully defied anti-colonial and institutional critique.

May 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
Telecritique: About “Song of Ceylon” by Basil Wright

In this 1975 television production, Farocki shows and comments on excerpts from the film "Song of Ceylon" by Basil Wright.

May 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
Hysteric, Gypsy, Heretic

"What does it mean to hang colonial paintings in a university museum in Manila?" An essay by Patrick Flores.

May 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
Screens, Layers, Algorithms: A Conversation with Ho Tzu Nyen

An interview by Ying Sze Pek: Ho Tzu Nyen discusses three of his recent productions: "The Critical Dictionary of Southeast Asia" (2017–ongoing), "Hotel Aporia" (2019), and "Night March of Hundred Monsters" (2021–22).

May 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
An Elephant in the Room: Farocki’s Take on Song of Ceylon

An essay by Nora M. Alter on Farocki's television film on "About 'Song of Ceylon' by Basil Wright," (1975).

May 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
Pitch Drop: Notes on a Book+Film in/Complete Gestation

An artistic contribution in form of a textual weaving process of real encounters and unexpected delays around a gift and a yet-to-come film once named Meat Bag.

May 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
from The Exclusive. On the Politics of the Excluded Fourth

A series of drawings by Andreas Siekmann, which unfold around the state-directed violence on fleeing bodies and the global spread and supranational intensification of the fourth power: the Exclusive as an excluding force.

May 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
The Diabolic Dicteé

How to speak when to speak is to find yourself as if at a confessional, an interrogation booth, a court of law, or a border? An essay by Soyoung Yoon.

May 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
The Angry Christ (Plot and Plantation)

An artistic contribution by Amy Lien and Enzo Camacho, based on their ongoing study of a church mural by Alfonso Ossorio on the island of Negros in the Philippines.

May 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
Empathy at the End of the World: Notes on Fiction and Resistance

The writer Glenn Diaz reflects on the possibilities and limitations of empathy as a social instrument.

May 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
To Camille B.

The artist Alice Creischer provides the footnotes to her work with the same title in which the history of New Caledonia coincides with the present of Tropical Islands Resorts in Brandenburg.

May 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
Illegalities of Space and Bodies: Exploring the Pedagogy of Sekolah Alternatif

An article by Zikri Rahman on the undocumented and stateless seafaring Bajau Laut community and the alternative pedagogical practice of the network of schools Sekolah Alternatif.

May 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
Medi(t)ations on Materials

An artistic contribution by Lim Paik Yin that approaches the practice of Bantengan while reflecting on its own approximation.

May 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
Walter Benjamin’s Relational Concepts: Audible Signposts Beyond European Man

An article by Ramon Guillermo on the practice of translation by analyzing the openings and closures of Walter Benjamin’s essay „The Task of the Translator.“

May 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
Resurrecting The Dead: Decolonial Practice by Akademi Jawi

An article by Nazir Harith Fadzilah on the revival of the Jawi language through the medium of education, publication and research.

May 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 04
The Encyclopedia of War: the archive of evidence of Russia’s crimes against Ukraine

"We collect these videos for future researchers and documentary filmmakers so that they could use the catalog and include these videos in their work (after coordinating the terms of use with their authors)." By DOCUDAYS UA

May 11th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 05
Documenting Ukraine

A project to support Ukrainians who are recording the horrors of war. By TIMOTHY SNYDER

May 10th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 05
Harun Farocki – “Politik der minimalen Intervention” by PETER GEIMER

See German post.

May 6th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 06

See German post.

April 30th, 2022 — Archive / Showcase
[Screenings]: Harun Farocki, April 13 — 5 May 5, 2022, UP Vargas Museum, Manila, Philippines

Part of "Coincidences in Prepositions", a publication program conceptualized to review questions, propositions and solutions that have been set up in the dis/continuities of many colonial milieus...

April 25th, 2022 — Projects / Event
How Film-Making Can Contribute to a Collective Consciousness Against War

We live with, through and by stories. We make stories alive, and they keep us alive, it's a two-way process. By MARICHKA LUKIANCHUK

April 14th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 05
Dispatches from the “Civilized World.” The Ukraine War and the Depoliticizing Effects of Crisis in Permanence

The Ukraine war is now the third major crisis in a sequence (after the so-called refugee crisis and the pandemic) that seems to come out of nowhere. But it doesn’t come out of nowhere, any more than the other two. By MARK TERKESSIDIS

April 5th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 05
March 2022: Fotografien zu Krieg, Industrie und Verkehr (#057)

See German post.

March 31st, 2022 — Archive / Showcase
Statement of protest against the detention of Kurdish women activists in Diyarbakır

We second the statements issued by other organizations that call for the immediate release of the eleven arrested women and the suspension of the ongoing persecution of the seven already released ones.

March 24th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes
Bobby Seale, Copenhagen, 1969

Skip Norman/Contexts: One evening in March 1969, thirty-three-year-old Bobby Seale gave a speech in the packed-to-capacity main hall of Copenhagen’s Grundtvigs Hus.

March 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Contexts
#Ukraine Resources (list in progress)

In the attempt to contribute to the distribution of information on organizations, initiatives, and networks of support and aid, this list of links may complement already existing repositories; it will be augmented continuously from now on.

March 13th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 05
[Online Event Series]: All the Missing Limbs of a Pre/oposition, March 15, 2022

A series of non-thematic events on Zoom that discursify the inextricability of ‘prepositions’ and propositions...

March 10th, 2022 — Projects / Event
HaFI 016: Harun Farocki/Hanns Zischler – Heiner Müller: The Battle/Tractor, Basel 1976

The issue is dedicated to Harun Farocki's only directorial work for the theatre.

March 10th, 2022 — Projects / Publication
Against “Special Operation” Images

To oppose the epistemological assaults of the current war and the rule of operational images. Rosa Mercedes 05: Invitation to contribute

March 9th, 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 05
February 2022: TRACTOR in Basel, 1976 (#056)

"One has to wish for images that precisely reproduce small singularities of a specific time." (Farocki)

February 28th, 2022 — Archive / Showcase
African American cultural producers in Europe

Skip Norman/Contexts: What kind of diasporic kinship and friendship lies behind the joint work of Norman, Cullen, Brooks, and Foreman?

February 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Contexts
Online texts series: AFTER EXTRACTIVISM, 2022

A cooperation with the Berliner Gazette.

February 22nd, 2022 — Projects / Publication
[Online Event Series]: All the Missing Limbs of a Pre/oposition, February 22, 2022

A series of non-thematic events on Zoom that discursify the inextricability of ‘prepositions’ and propositions...

February 15th, 2022 — Projects / Event

Skip Norman/Contexts: Skip Norman’s films made between 1966 and 1969 while a student at the DFFB were followed by the independent productions On Africa and Washington DC, November 1970.

February 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Contexts
January 2022: Dreharbeiten – ZUM VERGLEICH (#55)

See German post.

January 31st, 2022 — Archive / Showcase
[Online Event Series]: All the Missing Limbs of a Pre/oposition, January 25, 2022

A series of non-thematic events on Zoom that discursify the inextricability of ‘prepositions’ and propositions in/from/with each other...

January 20th, 2022 — Projects / Event
Blackman’s Volunteer Army of Liberation

Skip Norman/Contexts: The Blackman’s Volunteer Army of Liberation (not to be confused with the Black Liberation Army), was one of many Black radical groups affiliated with the Black Muslim Movement in the late 1960s.

January 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Contexts
HaFI 015: Matthias Rajmann: Back and Forth

An insight into the research behind Farocki’s installation Comparison via a Third and its cinematic version In Comparison

January 13th, 2022 — Projects / Publication
Ohio State University, Columbus

Skip Norman/Contexts: In 1976, Skip Norman began studying for a BA in the Liberal Arts at the College of Arts and Sciences, the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

January 2022 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Contexts
LeRoi Jones / Amiri Baraka

Skip Norman/Contexts: Blues People, the title of Skip Norman’s notorious 1968 short that features the naked bodies and voices of a white woman and a Black man, quotes the title of LeRoi Jones’ book of 1963, Blues People: Negro Music in White America.

December 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Contexts
December 2021: Wortsprache, Bildsprache (#54)

See German post.

December 21st, 2021 — Archive / Showcase
Filminformation 58: Blues People

Information about BLUES PEOPLE: "There are four main elements which mediate the film’s intentions: music, text, stills, and black film."

December 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Docs
Transnational Learning

A comprehensive research on transnational learning at the DFFB by Madeleine Bernstorff.

December 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / C
Bearing Breasts, Not Arms: Black Femininity in the Films of Skip Norman

An essay by Karina Griffith on Black Femininity in Skip Norman's Strange Fruit.

December 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / C
A Stranger In the Village

A conversation between Greg de Cuir Jr and Michael Boyce Gillespie on Skip Norman.

December 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / C
HaFI Screening and Discussion @ “Visible Evidence” Conference , December 15, 2021, 7h30 pm, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt

Showing Skip Norman's ON AFRICA.

December 10th, 2021 — Projects / Event
Klaus Wildenhahn

Skip Norman/Contexts: Impressed by the direct cinema of Albert Maysles, Richard Leacock, and D. A. Pennebaker, Klaus Wildenhahn (1930–2018) translated their methods to the West German context.

December 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Contexts
[Online Event Series]: All the Missing Limbs of a Pre/oposition, December 7 & 14, 2021

A series of non-thematic events on Zoom that discursify the inextricability of ‘prepositions’ and propositions...

December 5th, 2021 — Projects / Event
[Publication Program]: Coincidences in Prepositions, December 2021-May 2022, Harun Farocki Institut, Philippine Contemporary Art Network (PCAN), and UP Vargas Museum

Coincidences in Prepositions is a publication program conceptualized to review questions, propositions, and solutions that have been set up in the dis/continuities of many colonial milieus...

December 5th, 2021 — Projects / Publication
November 2021: Oerlikon-Contraves (#53)

See German post.

November 30th, 2021 — Archive / Showcase
Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR)

Skip Norman/Contexts: From the late 1960s to the 1990s, the WDR “Filmredaktion” offered remarkable production opportunities for young filmmakers, many of them graduates (or relegates) from the new film schools in Berlin and Munich.

November 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Contexts
School of Communications, Department of Radio, Television and Film, Howard University

Skip Norman/Contexts: "It becomes obvious after analyzing the content of most films on the Black experience by Black filmmakers that they are all, in one way or another, films of resistance. Consciously or unconsciously, overtly or covertly, they have elements or images that resist forces in society that oppress Black people." (Alonzo Crawford)

November 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Contexts
October 2021: WORTE UND SPIELE (#52)

See German post.

October 31st, 2021 — Archive / Showcase

Skip Norman/Contexts: During his years as a student at the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB) between 1966 and 1969, Skip Norman was as prolific a cinematographer as he was a director.

October 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Contexts

Skip Norman/Contexts: In a document compiled for the eighteenth birthday of the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB) in 1984, Skip Norman lists the festivals where the films he directed were screened.

October 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Contexts
[Fifth] HaFI residency guest: Hans Carlsson

For the fifth HaFI residency in collaboration with IASPIS, we have invited Malmö-based artist, curator and writer Hans Carlsson.

October 5th, 2021 — Residency / 2021
Vote ADF

Peter Hoffmann pointed us to Lutz Mommartz’ film Wählt ADF (Vote ADF). The film can be seen on Mommartz’ website.

October 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Docs
Conference & Workshops: BLACK BOX EAST: “Post-Communist” Laboratories of Globalization, Sep 23-25, 2021

Conceived as a year-long project, our partner Berliner Gazette will initiate diverse activities, most importantly a series of texts and a conference.

October 1st, 2021 — Projects / Event
September 2021: dffb-info 51: nau protokolliert farocki (1978) (#51)

See German post.

September 27th, 2021 — Archive / Showcase
Publication: Peter Nau: Lesen und Sehen. Miniaturen zu Büchern und Filmen

The first HaFI book in collaboration with the Viennese publishing house Synema.

September 15th, 2021 — Projects / Publication
Book Launch: Pause. Fervour: Reflections on a Pandemic, September 20, 2021, 7-9 p.m.

An online event organized by Journal of Visual Culture and HaFI.

September 14th, 2021 — Projects / Event
Kooperation: Kein Schöner Archiv: Der Elternsprechtag, September 19, 2021, at 6 p.m., Berlin

"Kein Schöner Archiv" documents the intangible cultural heritage of the postmigrant society.

September 14th, 2021 — Projects / Event

See German post.

August 31st, 2021 — Archive / Showcase
Event: RADICAL FILM NETWORK MEETING 2021, August 25-28, 2021, BUFA Atelier Gardens, Berlin

Our cooperation partners organize for the second time the Radical Film Network Meeting Berlin. With a contribution from Elske Rosenfeld based on the HaFI 014 pamphlet.

August 18th, 2021 — Projects / Event
Festival: ARCHIVAL ASSEMBLY #1: September 1-8, 2021, Arsenal Cinema & more, Berlin

Das Arsenal organizes the first edition of the "Archival Assembly" festival, which brings together film archives and film archival projects, including HaFI, for an exchange with the public.

August 18th, 2021 — Projects / Event
July 2021: Zum Stand der Filmwissenschaft in der BRD (1996) (#49)

See German post.

July 31st, 2021 — Archive / Showcase
June 2021: Peter Weiss-Preis 2002 (#48)

See German post.

June 30th, 2021 — Archive / Showcase
Pause. Fervour. Reflections on a Pandemic – Journal of Visual Culture/HaFI reader out and ready for download!

Equal part powerful and moving, angry and heartbreaking, righteous and desperate, hopeless and demanding of a better future, together this polyphony posits if not an actual antidote then certainly abundant curative reflections to the disease and ways we might navigate this ongoing crisis.

June 15th, 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Writings, Vol. 5: Unregelmäßig, nicht regellos

Volume 5, now released, brings together all of the texts published in the years 1986-2000 and offers insights into some of Farocki's seminal cinematic and installation works from this period.

June 8th, 2021 — Projects / Publication
Mai 2021: Contre-Chant (2009)

See German post.

May 15th, 2021 — Archive / Showcase
April 2021: Blockschaltbild über Lehrstoffablauf (1970)

see German post.

May 3rd, 2021 — Archive / Showcase
Black and White, Unite! Unite!

A comprehensive essay by Gerd Conradt on his friend and fellow student.

April 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / B
Blues People

A conversation with Carlos Bustamante about Skip Norman.

April 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / B
Das Zimmer / The Room (1966)

In his first film Das Zimmer, Johannes Beringer processes his first impressions of West Berlin.

April 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / B
Situationen / Situations (1967)

In Situationen, Johannes Beringer captures the presence of the allied forces in the city, shows teenagers dancing in a dance hall and film students discussing the future of the film school.

April 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / B
On Skip Norman

Recollections of Skip Norman by Johannes Beringer.

April 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / B
Skip, Take a Picture, Record It!

Helke Sander’s memories of Skip Norman.

April 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / B
On the Set of Zwei kluge Männer und die Treue einer Frau

Georg Lehner on collaborating with Skip Norman on one of his films.

April 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / B
Frauen und Film 5, Cover Image

Brigitte Tast's collage and the editorial from Frauen und Film, Issue 5 (1975)

April 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Docs
Remembering Skip Norman

A conversation between Shirikiana and Haile Gerima.

April 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / B
Encounters in Columbus, Ohio

Klaus Wyborny on his time at the cinema department in Columbus.

April 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / B
Columbus, Ohio. Photographs by Skip Norman, 1982

These photographs were enclosed with a letter sent by Skip Norman to Carlos Bustamante in August 1982.

April 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / B
HaFI 014: Harun Farocki: Hard Selling: Reframed by Elske Rosenfeld

In HaFI 014, artist Elske Rosenfeld reflects on the reading of the fragmentary archival materials for Farocki's unfinished film "Hard Selling" (1991) with her own text/image essay.

April 8th, 2021 — Projects / Publication
March 2021: A photograph by Irena Vrkljan (1967)

see German post.

March 31st, 2021 — Archive / Showcase
Exhibiting Embarrassment (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 48)

What is highlighted in the present discussion are the possibilities offered by bringing to light not just what has been secluded but also the opportunities that emerge from revealing their structures of seclusion. It might well be worthwhile promoting a discourse such as that which has emerged around embarrassment. By DAVID DIBOSA

March 1st, 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
February 2021: WHITE CHRISTMAS – Budget (1968)

see German post.

February 28th, 2021 — Archive / Showcase
Ceci n’est pas un coup

"Lie," "fraud," "perpetrator," "victim," "forgery," "deception," "censorship," "deprivation of liberty," "betrayal," "violence," and, yes, "conspiracy" — these are not arbitrarily chosen expressions of everyday culture, but juridifying terms used for rhetorical weaponization in all parts of the political sphere. By FELIX REIDENBACH

February 9th, 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Skip Norman, West-Berlin, ca. 1969/70

This short snippet of silent 8 mm film was filmed by Ingrid Oppermann in West-Berlin, possibly close to her apartment in Kurfürstenstraße, where Harun Farocki’s The Words of the Chairman (1967) was shot.

January 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / Docs
Autobiographical Remarks

On December 22, 1933, I was born in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A., as a first son. I spent my childhood in Washington, D.C. […]

January 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / A
We Can Just Be Filmmakers

Gerd Conradt went to see Skip Norman in North Cyprus in 2002. Their conversation focuses on Holger Meins, who, like Conradt and Skip Norman, but also Harun Farocki, Helke Sander or Hartmut Bitomsky, started to study film at DFFB in 1966.

January 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / A
DFFB Survey (1984)

From time to time, DFFB conducted surveys among their alumni. This one, entitled “DFFB ‘volljährig’” (DFFB “adult”) was published in 1984 at the occasion of the institution’s 18th birthday.

January 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / A
Letter to Helene Schwarz (DFFB), 1984

A letter sent by Skip Norman to Helene Schwarz, the secretary who had been at DFFB since the school's beginnings and was an important confidante for many of the students.

January 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / A
Wilbert Reuben Norman Jr.: Curriculum Vitae (1984)

Skip Norman submitted this CV as part of his interdisciplinary PhD dissertation in Anthropology, Sociology, Photography and Cinema in 1984. It is entitled “An Examination of Centenary United Methodist Church using the Photograph as Artifact.”

January 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / A
The Use of African American Culture as a Foundation for Community Cohesion and Self-Esteem in “Their Eyes Were Watching God”

Zora Neale Hurston emphasized the dynamics of the homogenous black community. Her creativity was rooted in the folklore of black people. As a result, there was little need to portray the white world.

January 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / A

Culture is the acquired knowledge that people use to interpret experience and to generate behavior. This cultural knowledge is like a recipe for organizing the necessary ingredients for a viable social life.

January 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 03 / A
Full Automation, Full Fantasy

Notions of ‘regulation’ or ‘control’ meet with the long-venerated dreams of automation, to naturalise as the work of algorithms, not people. By JESS HENDERSON

January 25th, 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Radical Film Network Meeting Berlin: OPEN CALL Book “Radical Film at the Dawn of a New Society”

Contributions from individuals and communities both inside and outside of academia, in particular, from activists, artists, filmmakers, policymakers and researchers are welcome. Extended Deadline: February 15, 2021.

January 15th, 2021 — Projects / Publication
Futuro Roseo (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 47)

This idea, that the virus would only effect the other, someone somewhere far, collapsed in the following days. BY BASTARDPRODIGE

January 5th, 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Flocks (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 46)

They ate more, took off again, and moved to the next tree. We walked with them. BY ISOBEL WOHL

January 4th, 2021 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
January 2021: “Technologiekampagne”

see German post.

January 2nd, 2021 — Archive / Showcase
December 2020: Location “Picnic at the River”

see German post.

December 22nd, 2020 — Archive / Showcase
Winter School 2020: SILENT WORKS: The Hidden Labor in AI-Capitalism: Program now online

Organized by the Berliner Gazette at Haus der Statistik from November 7 - 28, 2020. A cooperation with HaFI.

December 14th, 2020 — Projects / Event
November 2020: Colloquium Klaus Heinrich

see German post.

November 28th, 2020 — Archive / Showcase
HaFI booklets: translations

HaFI publications in Korean and Turkish

November 16th, 2020 — Projects / Publication
Inquisitive Survival: Burning Questions for the Necro-Scene (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 45)

However, it’s okay to have Game Night once in a while, because it allows us to socialize. Using wrinkles to toggle dry light. By DEATH CLASS

November 13th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
HaFI 013: Harun Farocki: On the History of Labor

A glimpse into the genesis of IMAGES OF THE WORLD AND THE INSCRIPTION OF WAR (1988). To be released shortly, HaFI 013 can already be ordered at Motto Books.

November 6th, 2020 — Projects / Publication
Winter School 2020: SILENT WORKS: The Hidden Labor in AI-Capitalism, November 7-28, 2020, Haus der Statistik, Berlin

Organized by the Berliner Gazette, the Winter School “Silent Works” investigates possibilities for re-inventing ‘the school’ along the lines of ‘the factory.’ 

November 4th, 2020 — Projects / Event
October 2020: National Archives, Washington DC (1987)

... regarding aerial reconnaisance photographs of Auschwitz-Birkenau taken during World War II

October 30th, 2020 — Archive / Showcase
The reluctant screen shot collector (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 44)

The production of knowledge, fake news, has no source, no center. There is no author. By VLADIMIR MILADINOVIĆ and STEPHENIE YOUNG

September 30th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
September 2020: Metal pressing

see German post.

September 30th, 2020 — Archive / Showcase
Newsreel shreds: two postcards from the summer of 2020 (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 43)

“The game on TV is Tom and Jerry, the game in the EU is refugees and the police.” By NIKA AUTOR

September 17th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Vision and Automation in a post-Covid World (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 42)

The current crisis is making many of us increasingly amenable to other forms of more mundane automation. By JOEL McKIM

September 17th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Call for Donations: Farocki’s Writings: English Edition: Volume 1: Autobiography

With a donation you can support our work on the English autobiography.

September 15th, 2020 — About us / Support
Cooperation with Bielefeld University

Bielefeld University enables the further production of preview films from the filmography of Harun Farocki.

September 15th, 2020 — About us / Support
Workshop: LABOUR IN A SINGLE SHOT, Oct. 3-Nov. 4, 2020, Berlin & Warsaw

The Open Call runs until September 25, 2020.

September 11th, 2020 — Projects / Event
Event: SILENT WORKS: Berlin als Technopolis, Sep. 23, 2020, Berlin

A panel discussion about Berlin vs. Amazon and the Berliner Gazette's Silent Works project, a partnership with HaFI.

September 11th, 2020 — Projects / Event
Symposium: The Right to a Public – Working with TV Archives, Sep. 23, 2020, Arsenal @ silent green

HaFI participation with a panel dedicated to Farocki and his TV collaboration with the WDR.

September 11th, 2020 — Projects / Event
HaFI 012: Ben Alper & Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa: Hiding in Plain Sight

How can, how should these images be looked at? And how do they unsettle the contemporary gaze?

September 1st, 2020 — Projects / Publication
Emergency Exit, Second Thoughts (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 41)

If we have reason to panic, what do we do with it, where do we go? Again, how do we get out of here? By DANIEL A. BARBER

August 31st, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
August 2020: events that are a small story

See German post.

August 30th, 2020 — Archive / Showcase
Fabula (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 40)

More people are having powerful dreams that get their attention than in typical times. By JORDAN BASEMAN

August 27th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
The server is down, the bridge washes out, there is a power blackout (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 39)

We know that their echoes will continue reverberating in the system’s cracks, each time becoming louder and more visible. By ARTS CATALYST

August 26th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Tarot Reading: What is the future of MYTH post-covid-19? (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 38)

Bring it on (bring it all up) say the cards, and let everything bleed ... By PLASTIQUE FANTASTIQUE

August 8th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Fragments | Brotes (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 37)

Remains of magnolias blown away/Branches fall. Power out. By ALEXANDRA DÉLANO ALONSO

August 5th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Unmasked (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 36)

There is something visceral about the refusal to place a protective barrier across the mouth and nose, and to do so in the name of “freedom” or “just because.” By KIMBERLY JUANITA BROWN

July 26th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Hope, or Pandora in the time of the pandemic (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 35)

The kind of hope that I will speak of here is immanent, yet precisely as the immanent force of finitude. By JOHN PAUL RICCO

July 22nd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
July 2020: A Letter by Frieda Grafe

see German post.

July 16th, 2020 — Archive / Showcase
Ecologies of care (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 34)

The psychology of finite resources can only exist under the conditions of oppression, so let's burn down the master’s house and its tools. By JANINE FRANCOIS

July 7th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Observations from my balcony (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 33)

It is remarkable how much we can discover in our immediate spaces when our attention has not been captured by the constant haste of our responsibilities. By EDINSON ARROYO

July 5th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
June 2020: What is ZITTY?

See German post.

June 30th, 2020 — Archive / Showcase
There is nothing new under the sun

I see ghost bodies that are trapped into an unattainable time-space of which the image’s virtuality reinforces the feeling. By VANESSA CIMORELLI

June 28th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Portal-ness. Towards a cosmology of rift

Burdened with a doubtful reputation, the practice and attitude of escapism may eventually prove to hold an adequate response to the dire realities of the present and the time to come. By TOM HOLERT

June 27th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
The digital classroom and the digital studio (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 32)

For the art school to survive, let alone thrive, we will have to adjust not only our tactics for working and teaching, but also for industrial action. By JULIET JACQUES

June 26th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Involuntary Euthanasia

We read Arendt’s words as an undeniable exhortation to what may be may transpire when the economic and social crisis exacerbated by Covid-19 soon manifests in full. By LUIS FEDUCHI

June 23rd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
White tinted glasses: on the ‘difficult’ heritage of Italian colonialism (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 31)

The whole operation appears intrinsically flawed, reflecting a collective colour-blind attitude that has become particularly visible in light of recent events. By ALESSANDRA FERRINI

June 17th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
The slow cancellation of the past (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 30)

The transient nature of knowledge production today, whether in the solution-averse casualised university or the history-averse design program, is a matter of its exacerbating devaluation. By BAHAR NOORIZADEH

June 17th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Corona heroes. An obituary

The more piercingly the crisis sirens howl, the greater the hunger for dedicated emergency workers, determined people of action and indomitable freedom fighters. By ULRICH BRÖCKLING

June 12th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
She would fall asleep with a taste of home on her lips (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 29)

The world sleeps, the axes change. The world wakes up, and the sun falls on empty streets. By ANDREAS PHILIPPOPOULOS-MIHALOPOULOS

June 10th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
A thousand kitchen tables (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 28)

How can we create work from within these imposed conditions and reflect on them at the same time? By PIL AND GALIA KOLLECTIV

June 7th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
The incompetence, the disdain, the laughter (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 27)

If we can collectively grasp this narrative, kick them out as soon as possible we can have it all!!!! By HANA NOORALI and LYNTON TALBOT

June 2nd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Against Resilience (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 26)

I couldn’t help but question, if bringing our bodies together in this way plays into the logic of resilience measures the British government has come to calculate as necessary collateral damage for the UK economy to start again? By HELENE KAZAN

June 2nd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
The underlying (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 25)

In its new blanket use, it points to medical conditions, chronic illnesses and disabilities that, in combination with age, we are told, are the real factors determining the death of thousands of people from the virus. By ELISA ADAMI

June 2nd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
May 2020: La Voleuse (1966)

See German post.

May 30th, 2020 — Archive / Showcase
Social Physical Distance Proximity Diagram (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 24)

Social proximity at an ideological level may, thanks to those who must necessarily remain physically proximate in medical and care situations, protect people by enabling physical distance. By DEAN KENNING

May 29th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
[Update] Crowdfunding: Publishing Farocki’s Writings together

We thank all our supporters!

May 26th, 2020 — About us / Support
[Fourth] HaFI residency guest: Cathy Lee Crane

Experimental filmmaker Cathy Lee Crane (U.S.A.) is the fourth guest of the Harun Farocki Residency.

May 26th, 2020 — Residency / 2020/22
AMERICA – Films from Elsewhere (ed. Shanay Jhaveri): HaFI Contribution

A dossier consisting of documents and images on the "prison images" complex from the HaFI archive, compiled by HaFI.

May 26th, 2020 — Projects / Publication
e-flux journal: Navigation Beyond Vision II

The issue #109 Navigation Beyond Vision II of the e-flux journal is now online.

May 26th, 2020 — Projects / Publication
Together, in separation. Coming territorialities

Hidden curricula, nudging regimes, governmentalities—they are coming to the fore now, accruing obscene visibility in a big stand-off between liberal individualism and uniformizing state rule. By TOM HOLERT

May 25th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
COVID 19, climate change and the viral imaginaries of crisis (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 23)

Alongside these ‘necro-visualisations’ of human tragedy, the concept of the model cuts across the public imagination as a harbinger of what might be and what was. By TOM CORBY

May 25th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
The disgusting image and the virus

Comparing the corona-phenomena to previous epidemic occurrences allows us to gain a grain of understanding and to make sense of the void, of absent bodies. By ANTOINE SIMEAO SCHALK

May 23rd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Things in lockdown (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 22)

The ‘great withdrawal’ has made the circulations that make up subject-object relations almost brutally concrete. By LINA HAKIM

May 22nd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Collectivize Facebook and other electric dreams

The mines are exploited and emptied. There is a lacuna—left as a poisonous gift of modernity. Debris next to a village. Next to my village. By VINIT AGARWAL

May 21st, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Exiting the lockdown, with the help of chance

Those resistant to the idea of sortition as a substitute for election are often surprised when it is made clear to them that the use of random selection is a standard and reliable practice in many representative democracies. By LUIS FEDUCHI

May 16th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
We are not alone: The Partisan Social Club new-collective-nouns (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 21)

Window Poster # 1 + Colouring-in Version, May 2020. Poster designed by JAMES SMITH

May 16th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
A name to sing about (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 20)

Calling the hospitals by the person epitomising modern nursing was not a simple misnomer but a poor attempt at dressing up a wolf bred by austerity in the clothes of a sheep versed in historical knowledge. By JELENA STOJKOVIC

May 15th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Living in the uncanny (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 19)

Our own cells split the foreign intruder, allowing it to contaminate our body, turning ourselves into our own evil twins. By LANA LIN and H. LAN THAO LAM

May 15th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Dream State: hugs, dreams and British psychopolitics (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 18)

It turns out that Seligman had chronicled the psychic wounds of colonialism, revealing a political order fundamentally at odds with Britain’s self-understanding. By MARGARETA KERN

May 13th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Supporting our local singers—celebrating the music of Reuben T. Caluza (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 17)

They have recorded the song in Zulu, each vocalist recording in their own home and supplying these voice-messages to be incorporated into this new rendition of the song. By PHILIP MILLER

May 13th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Social distancing and human/animal relations

"Once the bats were trapped, the researchers took blood and saliva samples, as well as fecal swabs." By TOM HOLERT

May 10th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Lockdown is a savage montage (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 16)

The emergency measures are rules of composition. By DAVE BEECH

May 10th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Hierarchies of hardship (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 15)

Really: that brachiosaurus-sized crane puts time into perspective, making more tangible the way the world may have looked when it teemed with life at that scale. By SARA BLAYLOCK

May 9th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Disaster nationalism as geovisual play (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 14)

Appropriating the simplicity of play, it seems, might come with consequences. By ERAY ÇAYLI

May 6th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
The world that surrounds me inheres in me (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 13)

How tired the world has become of this human and its spectre. By YVE LOMAX

May 5th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
COVID-19 Movement V: Grave

The confusion and turbulence of COVID: that is the place we all share now. It’s the first movement of the sonata, grave. By PATRICIA R. ZIMMERMANN

May 5th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Re-Relations (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 12)

As a society, in a way unlike any other, the question is out in the open: what does it mean to consider the lives of others? By ANDREA LUKA ZIMMERMAN

May 4th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
“I want my writing to be photographed so as to explain my hand”

Perhaps we do not need a critique of the power-relation in “giving a voice” but of the very demand for a body to produce a recognizable voice in the first place. By ALEXANDRA PIRICI

May 3rd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
A biopolitics of the future; or, The monster at the door (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 11)

The non-human futures of the SARS-CoV-2 virus will not be written to be stored in the digital archive. Its trans-species assemblage will have had vectors that are imperceptible to us today. By AMIT S. RAI

May 3rd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Public protest in the age of Covid-19 (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 10)

I see my dry hands, clean as hell, as never before. And I see fear in a handful of sanitizer. A dispatch from Warsaw. By KASIA BOJARSKA

May 2nd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
April 2020: A Letter from Jim Jarmusch

We would be very interested in getting this stock from you. Please let us know if it is still available.

April 30th, 2020 — Archive / Showcase
We’ve been preparing for this our whole lives (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 9)

We, survivors, were born for this crisis. By OREET ASHERY

April 30th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Social distancing without a society

April 2020 saw gatherings of the American right-wing that declared they demand to “re-open the economy,” as they call it. These protests were payed for by the wealthiest donors to the US Republican party. By JOSHUA SIMON

April 29th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Figures of entanglement

We may ask, whether in the current, transitional period of social distancing, where intermingling, contact and proximity have become anathema, the notion of entanglement is already accruing a new set of connotations, regardless whether we understand it in a concrete or metaphorical sense. By ERIC C. H. DE BRUYN

April 29th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
A Day in the Life of a Consumer (2020)

"[...] a tsunami of derivative, cliche ads all within a week of one another. It's not a conspiracy - but perhaps a sign that it's time for something new" (Microsoft Sam)

April 27th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Wildfire (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 8)

I lift one side of the headphones away from my left ear dispelling the patch of workplace that has been mapped onto the kitchen table for the last hour or so. By JON THOMSON and ALISON CRAIGHEAD

April 25th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
The scalar logics of COVID (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 7)

Biocontainment suits, biological hoods, and isolation tents create physical separation, but allow for visual access, between the infected and the hygienic. By SHANNON MATTERN

April 25th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Driving on sight vs Seeing the light

"In chaos causality is lost, strategy and leadership no longer work as well, and we are left powerless." By TOM HOLERT

April 23rd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
HaFI 011: Frieda Grafe: Souvenirs, Origins, Found Fiction

A small selection of texts written by the outstanding film critic and translator Frieda Grafe, complemented by a speech from Harun Farocki.

April 22nd, 2020 — Projects / Publication
Stay safe, stay healthy (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 6)

Is the sender genuinely asking me if I am well or safe or healthy? By DANAH ABDULLA

April 22nd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
“The World of Care!!!” (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 5)

By a pupil at The Meadows Primary School, Lincoln, with RUTH EWAN

April 21st, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
The weekend cover: L’Espresso, The Economist, Der Spiegel (February 1 to April 19, 2020)

The choices of headlines and visual artwork reflect the editorial and national context of each magazine.

April 20th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Today My Heart Is Empty (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 4)

He was let down by both governments… By JORDAN McKENZIE

April 20th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Soothing? Regressing? ASMR and the new normal

"She is wearing a lab coat and a face mask and is saying, in the softest tone possible, that she is about to take a nasal swab to test for the virus. It’s scary and soothing at the same time." By TOM HOLERT

April 19th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
In the way of being (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 3)

(...) how and where am i supposed to read the nuances by which I understand the world (...) By TERESA CISNEROS

April 18th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Corona literacy, or Inoculating the pandemic

The background and experience from which the new instructional visuals on the coronavirus crisis are being produced, inform the reduction guided by notions of didactic efficiency. By TOM HOLERT

April 16th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Streaming video, a link between pandemic and climate crisis (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 2)

Media corporations will likely leverage the CoVid-19 crisis to insist that ubiquitous high-bandwidth media constitute an essential service. By LAURA U. MARKS

April 16th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Triage: medical necessity or imperialist selectivity?

In the corona triage the temporality of field surgery and the asymmetrical chronopolitics of age cohort, class affiliation and racial predicament meet in a new constellation. By TOM HOLERT

April 13th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Infection of a liberal weekly

Interaction designer Christian Lässer is able to render evident (and visible) how the topic of the epidemic has gradually taken possession of Die Zeit – up to the full blown monopolization of its editorial content.

April 11th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Notes from digital self-contradiction

It seems to me as if theoretical persuasions are now being confirmed not only in practice, but literally embodied. By JAN DISTELMEYER

April 9th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
The live-stream’s split-screen, or, Urgent domestic politics

Shouldn’t this crisis demand an urgent politics of the domestic, specifically of those who have the privilege to #stayathome? By DOREEN MENDE

April 5th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Tele-nausea: losing the presence

There is "a good chance that the large-scale experimentation with telepresence, which has long met with much resistance, will encourage its lasting adoption" (André Gunthert). By TOM HOLERT

April 3rd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
The Coronamovie: how the pandemic unfolds (in 36+ frames)

The Coronacrisis cover artwork of the French daily newspaper Libération, starting with the issue of January 23, continuing without interruption from March 9 to ...

April 2nd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
The new ekphrasis of the V-shape

The V-shape recession, a sudden deep trough, followed by a quick surge, for few, and the Germans with their economic strength and infamouis intransigence when it comes to economic solidarity most certainly among them, is becoming analogous to the V-ictory-sign (in the wake of the V-irus ...) By TOM HOLERT

April 1st, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Virus and infection – the trouble with analogies

It seems as if Suely Rolnik has already in 2005 anticipated the effects of the virus that is currently chokeholding the world: For the already discriminated minorities, including the predominantly black service providers and domestic workers recruited from the favelas, are now considered particularly at risk. By SABETH BUCHMANN

March 31st, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
People with masks (and some without), Thailand, February 2020

Photos by LUDGER BLANKE        

March 31st, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
March 2020: TIERLIEBE

see German Post

March 31st, 2020 — Archive / Showcase
“Masks4ALL” – a Czech campaign, a MIT AI specialist’s support of it, and the new “solitary facelessness”

The retreat into "solitary facelessness," however, may have different faces, depending on local histories and urgencies. By TOM HOLERT

March 30th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Is the Jet Age Over? (Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, 1)

If anything could stand-in as a primary culprit in the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus that is circling the globe with seemingly unprecedented speed, it might be the jet plane. By VANESSA SCHWARTZ

March 30th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Dispatches from the Melton Prior Institut (3)

Today: Le Petit Journal (February 1911), covering the devastating 1910/1911"pest" in Manchuria

March 29th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Locked into the present

Albeit everyone seems to believe otherwise, every crisis has a history. Hence this crisis has a history as well. BY MARK TERKESSIDIS

March 27th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Dispatches from the Melton Prior Institut (2)

Today: a reportage on the cholera in Hamburg in 1892 from the Illustrated London News.

March 27th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Collectivize Facebook

In our compromised and entangled ways, we try to keep going, trying to transmutate heteronomy into shades of autonomy. By SVEN LÜTTICKEN

March 26th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Dispatches from the Melton Prior Institut (1)

First delivery: an illustrated reportage on the cholera in Naples in 1884 from the Illustrated London News.

March 25th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Therapeutic nihilism

Beneath the current debates and statements about the "costs" of lockdowns and social distancing, beneath Trumpian disengagement from medical cure (in his attempt to decouple the health catastrophe of the pandemic from the "problem" of ecomomic repression and de-growth), there lurks the most vicious vision/version of "therapeutic nihilism." By TOM HOLERT

March 25th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Medical internationalism

This weekend's news about 65 Cuban doctors, nurses and technicians arriving in Milan to support the Italian health system's struggle against the coronavirus are a forceful reminder of Fidel Castro's medical internationalism. By TOM HOLERT

March 23rd, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Reconfiguring liveness

Perhaps live streaming should be reduced to the bare minimum: to tutorials around health and medical issues, to tele-meetings of the infected and vulnerable with their loved ones, to non-commercial online courses in the newly decentralized educational systems. By TOM HOLERT

March 21st, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Pandemic vision

What if the irreversible situation in which the "world community" is now being united, forced to reimagine itself, has entailed a sudden leap in visibility regarding the global accumulation of crises - not primarily as a result of tireless research, political organizing, artistic productions etc., but rather as a correction of the collective sensorium on a gigantic scale? By TOM HOLERT

March 20th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Remote relations, cultures of distance

Among the most unsettling attributes that have quickly gained notoriety (and poignancy) due to the the current crisis' new linguistic conventions  and discursive framings can be counted "from a distance" or "remote". by TOM HOLERT

March 19th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Modelling the epidemic

In the current situation (and any comparable state of emergency caused by an epidemic) much of the existing hope hinges on the statistical and epidemiological sciences that model an event like this by means of computational processing. By TOM HOLERT

March 18th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Image of exhaustion

A photograph of nurse Elena Pagliarini, fallen asleep, that was taken last week at the end of one of her shift at 6 a.m. in the emergency room of the hospital of Cremona, a particularly badly affected town in Lombardy. By TOM HOLERT

March 17th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Towards the end of visual capitalism

By now, as to be expected from a news situation as engrossing as this one, the compulsion to reach an (or even the image) of the pandemic (if not the world history of pandemics), is tantamount...By TOM HOLERT

March 16th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Livestock production, agrobusiness, travel, Corona

Marxist biologist Rob Wallace, founder of Structural One Health [...] renders – vividly and frighentingly – the broader context of the coronavirus crisis...

March 15th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Mutual aid

Pëtr Kropotkin's anarchist-anti-capitalist-commonist-animalist notion of "mutual aid" has been gaining traction for a while already...

March 15th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Corona ethics

An insightful contribution by Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos on the socio-ethical dimensions of the crisis...

March 15th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
AI and visual ramifications of the crisis

Among the countless troubling aspects of the Covid-19 crisis is the liberating effect it has on AI-based surveillance technologies and policies... By TOM HOLERT

March 15th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Against quarantine

Angela Mitropoulos' article "Against Quarantine" is an important intervention in the debate around the COVID-19 crisis...

March 15th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
Dashboarding the crisis

As the Coronavirus crisis is evolving, it becomes harder to tell what kind of image the most publicised image of/on the crisis is exactly... By TOM HOLERT

March 15th, 2020 — Rosa Mercedes / 02
February 2020: Carosse d’or

See German post

February 29th, 2020 — Archive / Showcase
HaFI Presents #04: LEAVE ME ALONE, dir. Gerhard Theuring (1971 FRG), March 3, Arsenal Cinema

The screening is part of the #Forum 50 series of the Berlinale.

February 28th, 2020 — Projects / Event
January 2020: Digitization from Harun Farocki Institut

A list of previous digitisations from the holdings of the HaFI

February 3rd, 2020 — Archive / Showcase
HaFI Presents #03: DAS ANDERE KINO, dir. Adolf Winkelmann, Christian Rittelmeyer, (FRG 1969), January 12, Arsenal Cinema

Screening of the three-part WDR program on the “Other Cinema” (1969) - with Harun Farocki among others.

January 6th, 2020 — Projects / Event
December 2019: Jetzt reklamefrei

see German post.

January 6th, 2020 — Archive / Showcase
November 2019: Cinématon / Portrait de groupe

see German post.

December 16th, 2019 — Archive / Showcase
HaFI Presents #02: HARD SELLING, dir. Harun Farocki, (FRG 1991), November 20, 2019, Arsenal Cinema

The first presentation of the unfinished film HARD SELLING by Harun Farocki, which was recently found in the HaFI archive.

November 15th, 2019 — Projects / Event
[Launch] Crowdfunding: Publishing Farocki’s Writings together

You can support the printing of Farocki’s writings with a donation now.

November 13th, 2019 — About us / Support
October 2019: Before Your Eyes – Vietnam

see German post.

November 12th, 2019 — Archive / Showcase
September 2019: Die Sensation!

See German post.

September 27th, 2019 — Archive / Showcase
HaFI Presents #01: NIEMANNS ZEIT – EIN DEUTSCHER HEIMATFILM, dir. Marion Schmid/Horst Kurnitzky, (FRG 1985), September 11, 2019, Arsenal Cinema

The Public Screening is now being continued with a curated program by Stefan Pethke.

September 2nd, 2019 — Projects / Event
August 2019: WeltBild – a proposal by HaF

see German post.

August 31st, 2019 — Archive / Showcase
HaFI 010: Werner Dütsch: WDR – As You See – Lola Montez

The booklet is dedicated to the WDR editor Werner Dütsch (1939-2018), who produced numerous films from Harun Farocki.

August 4th, 2019 — Projects / Publication
Writings, Vol. 4: I have enough!

New publication: Volume 4 of Farocki's Writings.

August 4th, 2019 — Projects / Publication
July 2019: Something about shot/countershot

see German post

July 30th, 2019 — Archive / Showcase
June 2019: Duisburger Filmwoche, 1995

see German post.

June 30th, 2019 — Archive / Showcase
Public Screening #14: HARUN FAROCKI – TAKE TWO, dir. Ingo Kratisch/Lothar Schuster, (G 2019), July 1, 2019, Arsenal Cinema

Premiere of the film and material unearthed in the archive of the Harun Farocki Institute will be shown beforehand.

June 28th, 2019 — Projects / Event
e-flux journal: Navigation Beyond Vision I

The current issue 101 on “Navigation Beyond Vision” is now online.

June 28th, 2019 — Projects / Publication
e-flux & HaFI Conference [video documentation]: Navigation Beyond Vision, April 5 & 6, 2019, HKW, Berlin

The video documentation is now online.

May 27th, 2019 — Projects / Event
May 2019: Werner Dütsch: Film in Germany

see German post.

May 26th, 2019 — Archive / Showcase
Congress, Academy, Archive viewings: The Whole Life: Archives and Reality, May 19-25, 2019, Dresden

What can archives do for today’s society? How are historical realities translated into contemporary narratives? Can transformation be archived?

May 7th, 2019 — Projects / Event
April 2019: Biographical Note

Against Cinema, against Culture

April 30th, 2019 — Archive / Showcase
Public Screening #13: A RUSTLING OF LEAVES: INSIDE THE PHILIPPINE REVOLUTION, dir. Nettie Wild, May 16, 2019, Arsenal Cinema

Wild's first longer film is set between the fronts of the 1980s revolution in the Philippines (...).

April 25th, 2019 — Projects / Event
HaFI 009: Ingemo Engström / Gerhard Theuring: Escape Route to Marseilles

In 1977 Ingemo Engström and Gerhard Theuring embark on a journey through France. They trace the escape route of the German emigration in France 1940/41 (...).

April 24th, 2019 — Projects / Publication
Archive Außer Sich: website online

HaFI is one of the participating institutions in Archive Außer Sich since 2017. A complete overview of our activities is now available on a dedicated website.

April 24th, 2019 — Projects / Event
What is radical film? Radical Film Network Meeting Berlin, May 2-5, 2019, silent green: Program online

The meeting focuses on artistic/creative and political/ethical positions within global radical film cultures and video activism movements.

April 24th, 2019 — Projects / Event
Dossier: Westdeutscher Rundfunk in the 1970s

Texts and documents concerning the production context at "Westdeutscher Rundfunk", Cologne

April 6th, 2019 — Projects / Research
March 2019: DIE SCHLACHT, stage play in Basel, 1976

see German post.

March 22nd, 2019 — Archive / Showcase
e-flux & HaFI Conference: Art After Culture: Navigation Beyond Vision, April 5 & 6, 2019, HKW, Berlin

Navigation begins where the map ends (...).

February 27th, 2019 — Projects / Event
Public Screening #12: FOLIE ORDINAIRE D’UNE FILLE DE CHAM (1986, F), Jean Rouch, March 13, 2019, Arsenal Cinema

The film diverges from traditional ethnographic work and is instead a multi-layered media translation (...).

February 27th, 2019 — Projects / Event
Film: INVISIBLE (2019) by Shirin Barghnavard

An experimental essay documentary film on the concept of “Nationality”.

February 26th, 2019 — Residency / 2017
Online publication: “Harun Farocki: Dialectics of Images” by Ali Hussein Al Adawy

Text excerpts.

February 25th, 2019 — Residency / 2018
February 2019: When the sea surges against the land

irregularly, not haphazardly

February 21st, 2019 — Archive / Showcase
Radical Film Network Meeting, May 2-5, 2019, silent green, Berlin: OPEN CALL “What is Radical Film?”

Contributions from individuals and communities both inside and outside academia, from artists, activists, filmmakers, researchers, scientists and others are welcome.

January 30th, 2019 — Projects / Event
January 2019: Kino 81, a TV program by the magazine FILMKRITIK

See German post.

January 12th, 2019 — Archive / Showcase
December 2018: Werner Dütsch (1939 – 2018)

see German post.

January 7th, 2019 — Archive / Showcase
Public Screening #11: CONTES ET COMPTES DE LA COUR, dir. Éliane de Latour (F 1993), January 9, 2019, Arsenal

The film portrays the four wives of a marabout in Niger, enclosed in the eponymous courtyard of a building complex. They manage to develop micro-economic strategies to form relationships with the exterior world.

January 3rd, 2019 — Projects / Event
Letter to our supporters

In December 2018 we celebrated the three-year existence of HaFI together with the friends, the Farocki family, and our project partners...

January 3rd, 2019 — About us / Support
November 2018: Video weekend with tapes by Jean-Luc Godard / Anne Marie Miéville

See German post. 

November 17th, 2018 — Archive / Showcase
Event: Ali Hussein Al Adawy, November 29, 2018, silent green

The presentation "Harun Farocki As A Method" revisits films and artworks from Egypt and the context of the Arab world.

October 25th, 2018 — Residency / 2018
Public Screening #10: Le Charbonnier/El-Faham: Mohamed Bouamari, November 1, 2018, Arsenal

A screening with Ali Hussein Al Adawy, the third Harun Farocki residency scholarship holder.

October 25th, 2018 — Projects / Event
AntiColonial Records: October 25 & 26, 2018, Archive Kabinett, Berlin

A cooperation event with HaFI.

October 23rd, 2018 — Projects / Event
October 2018: Nothing takes place but the place

As history continues, more and more marks are left on the surface of the earth.

October 18th, 2018 — Archive / Showcase
September 2018: Ei wie süß die Kasse klingt

see German post.

September 30th, 2018 — Archive / Showcase
Writings, Vol. 3: My Nights with the Leftists

see German post

September 29th, 2018 — Projects / Publication
HaFI 008: Harun Farocki: On Ici et ailleurs

Godard stopped traveling to foreign countries, his camera must not even drive around much by car.

September 15th, 2018 — Projects / Publication
[Third] HaFI residency fellow: Ali Hussein Al Adawy

From the beginning of September we will be welcoming Ali Hussein Al Adawy as the third fellowship holder of the Harun Farocki Residency in Berlin.

August 31st, 2018 — Residency / 2018
August 2018: A symposium on the journal FILMKRITIK

see German post.

August 30th, 2018 — Archive / Showcase
Public Screening #09: Transit Levantkade: Rosemarie Blank: September 7, 2018, Arsenal Cinema

The film combines enacted scenes and historical material and is about the past and present of Levantkade in Amsterdam’s old harbor (...)

August 27th, 2018 — Projects / Event
July 2018: From the research to INDUSTRIE + FOTOGRAFIE

see German post.

July 23rd, 2018 — Archive / Showcase
Filmkritik: Index 1957–1974

See German post.

July 4th, 2018 — Projects / Publication
Peter Lorre Retrospective: Screening and discussion with Felix Hofmann, July 19, 2018, Zeughaus Kino, Berlin

A discovery from Farocki’s estate will be shown on this occasion.

July 2nd, 2018 — Projects / Event
Public Screening #08: Emile de Antonio: In the King of Prussia, July 11, 2018, Arsenal

A film about the legal process against the ‚Plowshares Eight‘, eight members of the Christian peace movement in US, who hammered a nuclear warhead to pieces at a weapon’s factory.

July 2nd, 2018 — Projects / Event
Filmkritik at the Edit Film Culture! festival: Juli 7, 2018, silent green Kulturquartier

Jürgen Ebert will present and talk about the last unpublished issue of the magazine, Filmkritik No. 335-336, Nov-Dec 1984, now released on the occasion of "Edit Film Culture!".

June 30th, 2018 — Projects / Event
Filmkritik, Issue 335/336, Nov/Dec 1984

With a delay of over 33 years the last unpublished issue of the magazine, Filmkritik No. 335-336, Nov-Dec 1984, will now appear. This edition is dedicated to the filmmaker Emile de Antonio.

June 30th, 2018 — Projects / Publication

see German post.

June 30th, 2018 — Archive / Showcase
May 2018: Teaching at dffb, 1986

See German post.

May 31st, 2018 — Archive / Showcase
Public Screening #07: Robina Rose: Nightshift, May 30, 2018, Arsenal

Nightshift explored the work of women in relation to politics, film, desire, and society.

May 25th, 2018 — Projects / Event
April 2018: TWO SISTERS

see German post.

April 30th, 2018 — Archive / Showcase
HAFI 007: Filmkritik: Index: 1975–1984

A reprint of the yearly indexes from 1975 to 1983, supplemented by the the index for 1984 which was still missing.

April 24th, 2018 — Projects / Publication
March 2018: BEFORE YOUR EYES VIETNAM, Screen Tests

see German post.

March 30th, 2018 — Archive / Showcase
Public Screening #06: Skip Norman: selection of films, March 22, 2018, Arsenal

The titles of Norman's films all hint at the struggle to assert an Afro-American identity in a world shaped by whites.

March 15th, 2018 — Projects / Event
February 2018: A letter to the Straubs (October 1977)

see German post.

February 10th, 2018 — Archive / Showcase
January 2018: notes from numero deux

see German post.

January 22nd, 2018 — Archive / Showcase
Farocki’s Living Room

The first edition of Rosa Mercedes online journal. An audio journey with Marianna Maruyama through the Farocki Now Academy in Berlin

January 9th, 2018 — Rosa Mercedes / 01
December 2017: Maximum Security University

See German post.

December 30th, 2017 — Archive / Showcase
Public Screening #05: Ingo Kratisch: Logik des Gefühls, January 11, 2018, Arsenal

Logik des Gefühls: What happens? Nothing much. […] Where is it set? In an in-between space, between lost love and a coming love. Winter. Berlin. 1981.

December 22nd, 2017 — Projects / Event
Writings, Vol. 2: Kaja Silverman / Harun Farocki: Speaking about Godard (German edition)

See German post.

December 16th, 2017 — Projects / Publication
November 2017: Instructions on how to Pull off Police Helmets


November 30th, 2017 — Archive / Showcase
Event: Shirin Barghnavard, November 13, 2017, silent green

HaFi presents the film PROFESSION: DOCUMENTARIST, followed by a discussion between Shirin Barghnavard and Constanze Ruhm

November 7th, 2017 — Residency / 2017
October 2017: Ronny and Harun act up

see German post.

October 31st, 2017 — Archive / Showcase
Farocki Now Academy: Live Action Role Play on October 21, 2017, silent green – OPEN CALL & registration

In the framework of the "Farocki Now" Academy, the UdK (University of the Arts) Berlin organises a LARP. Roles are still available upon registration.

October 17th, 2017 — Projects / Event
[Second] HaFI residency guest: Shirin Barghnavard

For the second Harun Farocki Residency we have invited the Tehran-based Iranian filmmaker and editor Shirin Barghnavard to Berlin for three months.

October 11th, 2017 — Residency / 2017
September 2017: TV presenter: INDUSTRIE + FOTOGRAFIE

see German post

September 30th, 2017 — Archive / Showcase
Program: “Farocki Now: A Temporary Academy”, October 18-21, 2017, HKW & silent green, Berlin

A forum for workshops, presentations, and debates which explore the contemporary relevance of Harun Farocki’s work and thought, placing it in new contexts and activating its productive potential

September 18th, 2017 — Projects / Event
Writings, Vol. 1: Harun Farocki: Ten, Twenty, Thirty, Fourty

See German post.

September 18th, 2017 — Projects / Publication
Harun Farocki Retrospective

Tonight: Opening of the retrospective of Harun Farocki's work for cinema and television at Kino Arsenal.

September 15th, 2017 — Projects / Event
HaFI 006: Christa Blümlinger/Harun Farocki: The ABCs of the Essay Film

From “A for Adorno” to “Z for Zidane” – an ABCs of the Essay Film accompanied by a short text Farocki wrote in 1987.

September 8th, 2017 — Projects / Publication
HaFI 005: Harun Farocki: Before Your Eyes – Vietnam

A selection of materials pertaining to the film "Before Yor Eyes - Vietnam" introduced by a commentary penned by the Harun Farocki Institut.

September 8th, 2017 — Projects / Publication
August 2017: The Liberation [Die Befreiung]

See German post.

August 31st, 2017 — Archive / Showcase
July 2017: To all team members / The social contract [An alle Mitarbeiter / Der Sozialkontrakt]

See German post.

July 1st, 2017 — Archive / Showcase
Public Screening #04: Shinsuke Ogawa: Nippon-koku Furuyashiki-mura, July 11, 2017, Arsenal

Political commitment, thirst for research and stamina. A film by Ogawa Productions.

June 26th, 2017 — Projects / Event
Public Screening #03: Claudia von Alemann, Es kommt drauf an, sie zu verändern / Marta Rodríguez and Jorge Silva, Chircales, May 16, 2017, Arsenal

Factories and families as places of exploitation, which don’t just have to be interpreted but also changed.

May 16th, 2017 — Projects / Event
HaFI 004: Gerhard Benedikt Friedl: An Approach by Helmut Färber

Documentary filmmaker Gerhard Benedikt Friedl describes Helmut Färber's method of teaching film history.

May 10th, 2017 — Projects / Publication
HaFI 004 [Material]: Articles on Helmut Färber

Helmut Färber’s 80th anniversary was celebrated by some (German language) texts in the media

April 26th, 2017 — Projects / Research
Public Screening #02: Ann and Eduardo Guedes et al. Rocinante, March 17, 2017, Arsenal

A mythological road movie, a squatter and hacker story.

March 17th, 2017 — Projects / Event
Essay Film Festival 2017: Thinking Cinema on Television

See German post.

March 10th, 2017 — Projects / Research
HaFI 002 [Material]: Kevin B. Lee

Kevin B. Lee about Farocki's working paper "What Ought to Be Done".

February 23rd, 2017 — Residency / 2016
Forum Expanded: Think Film No. 5: Archival Constellations, February 16, 2017, silent green

The talk will include the screening of "Ronny und Harun spielen Theater" which is a short documentary of a staged scene from “Etwas wird sichtbar” (“Before Your Eyes Vietnam”), 1982.

February 16th, 2017 — Projects / Event
Kevin B. Lee in the Tageszeitung newspaper

See German post.

February 6th, 2017 — Residency / 2016
Presentation: Kevin B. Lee and Chloé Galibert-Laîné, February 6, 2017, FU Berlin

Formulating a poetic framework to explore the contemporary landscape of media and terror.

January 31st, 2017 — Residency / 2016
Report on the “light-typing lecture” by Kevin B. Lee, January 14, 2017, silent green

A brilliant (and moving) lesson of how to navigate a post-cinema small screen reality.

January 16th, 2017 — Residency / 2016
Public Screening #01: Ingemo Engström, Dark Spring, January 7, 2017, Arsenal

Harun Farocki saw the film in 1971 at the Hamburger Filmschau. In the succeeding years, he worked closely with Engström.

January 7th, 2017 — Projects / Event
Event: Kevin B. Lee, January 14, 2017, silent green

Kevin B. Lee will give a „light-typing lecture“ introducing his works and practice.

January 6th, 2017 — Residency / 2016
Residency blog: Launch

The blog of the HaFI residency publishes the immediate and informal experiences made by the HaFI residency fellows.

January 6th, 2017 — Residency / 2016
Kevin B. Lee in the Süddeutschen Zeitung newspaper

See German post.

January 6th, 2017 — Residency / 2016
HaFI 003 [Material]: From the ARSENAL archiv

See German post.

November 30th, 2016 — Projects / Research
[First] HaFI residency fellow: Kevin B. Lee

Kevin B. Lee will be the first guest of the Harun Farocki residency from the middle of December onwards

November 30th, 2016 — Residency / 2016
Exhibition: Learning Laboratories, December 3, 2016 – February 5, 2017, bak Utrecht

Architecture, Instructional Technology, and the Social Production of Pedagogical Space Around 1970

November 30th, 2016 — Projects / Research
HaFI 003: Harun Farocki: On Display: Peter Weiss

Letters exchanged between Harun Farocki, Peter Weiss and Westdeutscher Runfunk (WDR): A glimpse at the production history of "On Display: Peter Weiss".

November 11th, 2016 — Projects / Publication
HaFI 003 [Material]: Unedited interview sequences

For the Harun Farocki Institut, Peter Weiss’ 100th birthday on November 8, 2016 meant an opportunity to take a closer look at Farocki’s WDR program “On display: Peter Weiss”.

November 8th, 2016 — Projects / Research
Photo documentation on Peter Weiss and Harun Farocki’s event, October 24, 2016, silent green

A guided tour followed by a screening and a talk with Carles Guerra and Bert Rebhandl.

November 1st, 2016 — Projects / Event
HaFI 002 [Material]: Appeal for the creation of a national “cinemathèque”

See German post.

October 25th, 2016 — Projects / Research
Event: Peter Weiss and Harun Farocki, October 24, 2016, silent green

We were isolated individuals and simultaneously subsumed into a totality* 

October 12th, 2016 — Projects / Event
HaFI 002 [Material]: Reader’s letter from Werner Dütsch

See German post.

September 15th, 2016 — Projects / Research
Curatorial Seminar: What is navigation? September 2016 – June 2017, HEAD, Geneva

‘What is navigation?’ inquires the curatorial seminar 2016/17 of the CCC Research-Based Master Programms / Visual Arts Department of HEAD – Geneva.

September 5th, 2016 — Projects / Research
HaFI 002 [Material]: A Letter by Joachim von Mengershausen

Expropriating Television.

September 1st, 2016 — Projects / Research
Farocki Now – A Temporary Academy, October 18-21, 2017, HKW & silent green

The Harun Farocki Institut organizes Farocki Now - A Temporary Academy as a component of the “Harun Farocki Retrospective”.

August 30th, 2016 — Projects / Event
HaFI 002: Harun Farocki: What Ought to Be Done

A working paper by Farocki (1975/76), a commentary by Tom Holert, Doreen Mende and Volker Pantenburg followed by a letter by Peter Nestler.

August 17th, 2016 — Projects / Publication
HaFI 001: Becoming visible

The Institut's first public appearance at Berlinale 2016. A graffiti by Harun Farocki.

February 7th, 2016 — Projects / Publication
HaFI 000: A Day at the Archive

Material to investigate the present, the future past. Impressions from the archive of the Farocki Institut.

February 4th, 2016 — Projects / Publication