Tag: Anna Seghers

Retrospective Ingemo Engström, June 2 – 19, 2022, Cinema Arsenal, Berlin

“The first year group at the Filmhochschule München. Tabula rasa. Any long-held sentimentality about watching films was supposed to disappear, university knowledge shredded, scattered. All that remained was our own work and watching, watching, watching.” (Ingemo Engström)

May 24th, 2022 — Projects / Event
HaFI 009: Ingemo Engström / Gerhard Theuring: Escape Route to Marseilles

In 1977 Ingemo Engström and Gerhard Theuring embark on a journey through France. They trace the escape route of the German emigration in France 1940/41 (...).

April 24th, 2019 — Projects / Publication